Musicvideo for Ab Major by pianist Matteo Myderwyk. The video shows explorations in space by line segments. The video is generated by custom software.

Musicvideo for Ab Major by pianist Matteo Myderwyk. The video shows explorations in space by line segments. The video is generated by custom software.
Pse_0 is an experiment with a particle system consisting of four million individual particles.
The system reacts to an unseen force-entity, showing unique results based upon the generated characteristic of the system.
The work is exported into a short video with soundtrack and a few stills, as seen below.
This work has been featured on Le Guess Who? 2019 online edition.
This work has been exhibited by Artpoint 🇫🇷.
_ROOT is an audiovisual piece, showing three 6W RGB lasers projecting on a tree. It’s been developed for the GLOW festival 2017. The tree has been 3D-scanned, so accurate laser projections onto the three dimensional surface are possible.
During the 4 or 5 hour performance the laser-lights explore and show the natural structures of the tree.
Created with Gijs van Bon (concept + lead) and Willem Derks (3D), shown in Eindhoven.
A visual that accompanied a choir, singing a piece by Merlijn Twaalfhoven. Performed in Carnegie Hall, New York (2017).
The visuals are generated by custom-made software that reacts to the musical score.
The software reverse-engineers the composition, by translating pitches back to relative temperature data.
This data drives a 3D landscape, which unfolds with time.
Sung notes are visible on the landscape as ‘temperature-data’-nodes. Every voice is distributed on the x-axis.
When higher temperatures (/notes) emerge, the peakyness and movement of the landscape increases, which gives it a more unstable state.
The last 20 temperatures are kept in memory, and the average determines the actual height-, peakyness- and movement-values.
This way the rising pitch of the score gives the visual an uneasy feeling, according to the theme.
Dynamic Heights is a 1 minute video generated by custom software.
Geometry is calculated by recursive divisions, meaning that each new shape relates to the previous existing ones. After the initial geometry is created the system starts moving, all shapes react to each other and fit their sizes to their neighbours. The program has the dimensions of the Canvas-installation as an input and generates a complex 3D-model per frame. These models are then rendered by a photorealistic path-tracing engine. The obtained lights and shadows emphasizes the geometry.
The video was on regular display at Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht.
LCD has been developed for the Grasnapolsky festival in 2020.
As expected, the LCD screen plays a central role in this audiovisuals installation. This mass produced technology is all around us, and therefore it was easy to collect around 30 monitors. These monitors are stripped and modified into individual, WiFi controlled, video synthesizers. All together they form a live instrument, which plays an endless algorithmic AV piece during the 3-day exhibit.